Today’s Music to keep me SSSSAAAANNNNEEEE in Isolation – Cliff Richard

OK – I guess you think I’ve really gone nuts – that isolation has done me in. Maybe.

But Cliff, before he became a sugary-sweet pop, mainstream Christian boy – was probably Britain’s greatest Rock ‘n’ Roller. His first album and first few singles were dynamite.

If he had died then we’d be in awe of how good he was (instead of thinking of him as wet).

Take a listen to this:

(unfortunately that first album is not on youtube – it’s been removed). this is Cliff as you might not have heard him.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Music to keep me SSSSAAAANNNNEEEE in Isolation – Cliff Richard

  1. And the Shadows! I have just found some old cassettes and playing The Bhundu Boys. Happy go lucky music for lockedout of live music blues. But then I had too much time and googled them for an update. Some musicians lives are just agonisingly sad. Keep well and keep sane with whatever it takes!

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