Photography – St Marks Basilica – Venice – incredible mosaic interior and colours.

Photography – St Marks Basilica – Venice – incredible mosaic interior and colours.

Being an antitheist does not in any way stop me appreciating the beauty that is contained in religious buildings. I love mosques, temples, cathedrals, churches and basilicas. St Mark’s is particularly good.

We might not always agree, we might even vehemently disagree. I’m OK with that. We can discuss things in a civilised manner. We can have our beliefs and others have theirs. That’s OK. We don’t have to impose.

It distresses me to hear of thugs like ISIS deliberately destroying our beautiful heritage because it does not fit in with their distorted theology. The fact that it is their own heritage they are destroying simply serves to make it worse. What is happening in Palmira is a travesty that confirms my distaste of religion, its dogma and intolerance. The loss of the frescos in those temples is a crime. These people are insane. I am sure that one day they will wake up from the stupor they’ve put themselves into through their religious fervour and anti-West frenzy.

For now – here’s a few beautiful photos:

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