Featured Book – Green – A Sci-Fi Novel – The Cover

One of the central themes of the novel was the idea of someone trapped and isolated in their own mind. It seemed obvious to me that my surrealist painting, entitled ‘work’, was ideal for the cover. It showed a man trapped in a prison in a cloud looking out at the universe.

The only trouble was that it was blue. The book was Green. So I simply changed the hue to make it green. This was the result:

Because of the size of the book I could only select a section of the painting but I was pleased with how it came out.


If you are tempted to have a read of one of my Sci-fi books in either paperback or digital I have provided some links below:


My best Sci-fi books in the USA:


Ebola in the Garden of Eden








Starturn – Intergalactic Rockstar





Sorting The Future




My best Sci-fi books in the UK:


Ebola In The Garden Of Eden.




Sorting The Future








Starturn – Intergalactic Rockstar