‘I’m the fucking king around here and I’m going to do what I want.’ Bring your own Booze!!

I can’t stand Cummings but…………..

As he said: getting rid of the inept liar is – “sort of like fixing the drains”.

Dominic Cummings has said it is his “duty to get rid” of Boris Johnson as prime minister, describing it as “sort of like fixing the drains”.

Cummings revealed one of the most damaging No 10 lockdown gatherings, where Reynolds had emailed staff inviting them to drinks in the garden and to “bring your own booze”. Cummings has said Johnson was warned about the gathering, which the prime minister has admitted to attending but claims to have thought it was a work event.

The former adviser told New York magazine Johnson was driven entirely by what would be in the papers the next day. “In January 2020 I was sitting in No 10 with Boris and the complete fuckwit is just babbling on about: ‘Will Big Ben bong for Brexit on 31 January?’” he said.

Asked if it was fair that he was mounting a campaign to remove his former boss, Cummings said: “What’s fairness got to do with anything? It’s politics. All this is not fair. The fact that someone wins an election doesn’t mean that they should just stay there for years, right? If you’ve got a duffer, if you think someone can’t do the job, or is unfit for the job.

“You know, as he said to me: ‘I’m the fucking king around here and I’m going to do what I want.’ That’s not OK. He’s not the king. He can’t do what he wants. Once you realise someone is operating like that then your duty is to get rid of them, not to just prop them up.”

Cummings also told the magazine Johnson acted as if considering “what would a Roman emperor do? So, the only thing he was really interested in – genuinely excited about – was, like, looking at maps. Where could he order the building of things?”

Cummings said Johnson fantasised about “monuments to him in an Augustine fashion”.

Poetry – Pigeon-holing


Pigeon-holing is laziness.

It stops you having to think.

You don’t have to challenge your ideas

Or search for the missing link.

The herd mentality

Like to reinforce those labels

With uniforms and badges

That get stuck to lapels.

Everything is neat and tidy –

Neoliberal, fascist

Individualist and freak –

Slotting into little holes

Like the days of yesterweek.

But nobody fits into those patterns

Like they were all mindless fools,

Indoctrinated morons

Or kids deprived of schools.

Each one of us is totally unique,

A law unto themselves,

Not the stereotyped person

You wish to seek.

So listen to what they might have to share

And weigh up their words with great care.

You might learn something;

It might make you think.

Opher 26.12.2017

There is a laziness involved with stereotyping people – we no longer see them as people! They become two-dimensional objects without personality or views. They are merely seen as numbers to slot into a hole. They can be ignored, ridiculed and cast aside. Their opinions are of no consequence. They are no longer real people, with real views. They are just a cardboard cut-out. But we are all different. We all have views. We are all important.