COP 27 – Time’s running out.

COP 27 in Egypt is surely a last-ditch effort to stop the horrendous effects of the world from heating up. Droughts, floods, fires, storms, mass migration and devastation of the biodiversity. The last grains of the sands of hope are running out.

Where is our Prime Minister? Looking at more pressing domestic needs! I hope he can explain to all the people affected by climate changes this winter and next summer.

What he should be doing is sorting out a coherent strategy:

A massive move to renewables and away from gas and coal. Including those tidal barriers at Hull and Cardiff, onshore wind farms, geothermal, hydro and heat pumps.

A massive scheme to conserve energy – lagging houses, triple glazing, proper insulation

Stringent new building regs – triple glazing, proper insulation, heat retrieval systems, intrinsic solar panels, heat pumps…..

Rishi is probably staying at home plotting against his enemies – the rest of the Tory party!

The Suez Canal – local fishermen and massive ships.

As we slipped along the narrow canal with the desert on both sides I could not help wondering how big an operation it was keeping it open. The sand must blow in requiring constant dredging. It is such a narrow strip of water. The ships are massive.

In amongst these leviathans the tiny boats of the local fishermen put out their nets.

Out of Egypt into the sunset!

It was getting into the evening as we drove out of the fertile plains around the Nile, back through the dusty desert mountains. The sun set on our Egyptian adventure. Fabulous.

Egypt – Images from the streets

Minarets, guard posts, people sitting around looking despondent, a rural economy of horses and carts, women covered in black robes. We were stopped so many times it felt like we were in the midst of a civil war.

Religion permeated the culture – stultifying.

Driving through Egypt – armed militia, machine-gun posts, rural backwaters and tied up Nile River Cruise Boats.

Islamic terrorism has shut down tourism. Everywhere you look is poverty. There are machine-gun posts and armed militia on street corners. It’s like a country under siege. All the cruise boats are tied up. People des[perately need the tourist money in order to help them develop. In the rural regions, it’s still horses and carts.

I took these shots from a moving car.

I can’t help thinking that religion has played a big part in creating poverty.

Egypt – People and Islamic Terrorism

It was obvious to me that there was a big threat from militant Islamic Terrorism. On many street corners, there were people with big guns. There were military stop points with armed soldiers and machine guns.

Karnak – Walking through the ancient wonders.

Civilisations come and go, wax and wane, makes you wonder.

History always provides perspective. What phase are we in? Waxing, cusping or waning? I think I know the answer.

Now that we have a global society will that make a big difference? Is culture becoming global? Will religions, cultures, nations and races come and go like before? Or will there just be jostling for position and status?

We wax and wane.