14 thoughts on “5 important lessons we can learn from failures

    1. I thought you had put your finger on a very important thing. Failure is something we all suffer. It is our reaction to it that is key. Thank you.

      1. Isn’t this the dumbest lowest level mentality where the sport of basketball is considered to be of such vital importance – where the concept of failure can even be considered – seriously, what utter sanctimonious crap.

      2. I think you have to look past that to the idea of failure and being able to learn from failure. The right to fail. It’s OK to take that risk. You can learn from failure. You don’t have to stay on the level of basket-ball. It’s merely an illustration.

  1. But a very poor illustration – I did realise that Opher.
    That’s a rather broad stroke considering your contempt for my take on Trump’s former business mishaps a couple of days ago – where I’d said exactly the very same thing.
    Exactly the same rules apply don’t they?

    1. Not quite the same with Trump I would imagine – given his starting point. Though I would concede some similarities. His failures were mostly poor judgement. Did he learn from them?
      With most people, who don’t have a billion or two behind them, life is riskier and failure more catastrophic – not just in finance, but in creative spheres, education, romance and life. Being prepared to fail and carry on just as strong is an important element of character. We’ve both done that, haven’t we?

      1. No actually, I would say it’s all relevant in relation to each person’s operating level. People tend to make the best of what they’ve got. People tend to focus on their particular deal rather than the imaginary. Some do indulge in such fantasy but that isn’t going to be of much benefit to them.
        Most usually find that out eventually after having achieved very little.

        Trump’s starting point was of absolutely no relevance – it matters not whether he was given the money or borrowed the money. Try and imagine that.

        It’s exactly the same deal, whether it’s trying to throw a ball into a net to win a game of sport or whether its investing a ton of money into a venture with the intention of profit.
        The tools of the trade are the ball and the money.
        The intentions to succeed are the same.
        The chances of failure are the same.

        “his failures were mostly poor judgement” – I would say here that you lack knowledge of the reasons behind his failures and are speaking from negative instinct without any factual foundation whatsoever – otherwise you would never have just said such.
        You might not have said that were you a major shareholder on Christmas Island! That was a risk if ever there was one and look what happened there.

        I explained to you why Trump had failures. Did you bother to read them? Forgotten them? Or just topped up to the top of your head with the notion that Trump is such a bad guy (paying no attention to his opposition’s foibles) that no matter what, you cannot give him an inch.
        That makes for difficulty. I can’t steer the blind without reigns.

        You ask did he learn from them – quite obviously so.

        This has reminded me of a personal analogy.
        I used to love golf – I grew up looking at a golf course and played a lot, at least a few holes after school almost everyday. As a youth, I hated the senior members of my club and they didn’t seem to show much concern for junior members. I could beat most of them. We could get round the course a lot faster, whereas they clogged it up. But they were very good at running and organising that club – I as a youth, simply wouldn’t be and wouldn’t have known where to start. We’d complained for ages about our horrid little changing room until it was explained – we have a choice, we either spend money on fancy facilities or carefully manicured greens. Their acumen promoted my golf success.

        Basically, I learned to trust others with their skills rather than their personality or background – where I worked with people from very much more advantaged backgrounds than my own as I walked into a company full of ex-public schoolboys.
        That stood me in very good stead throughout my working life. I don’t have to like somebody to be able to acknowledge their skills.

      2. That’s a good analogy and one that I’ve noted in the course of my working life. Some of the people good at their trade were not people I get on with at all on a personal level. But you can respect their skills and ability.
        What t boils down to in the end regarding Trump is that I do not like the man’s ethos, what he stands for and the sort of world he’d create. And I got that from listening to what he says and the tone of what he says. So I’m a bit prejudiced when it comes to assessing his abilities. He comes over to me as a rich kid who has always had his own way and is full of arrogance and bluster. I can’t see why you’re impressed with him.

  2. You misunderstand me. I’m not impressed with him as a person, but I understand his ability. I can understand his challenges. I don’t have to like the guy’s personality to be able to do that.
    There’s a huge difference.

    So you don’t like Trump’s ethos? Seriously?

    I was going to put this on the other post – but this one will suffice.

    Titled – “There’s something rotten in the state of the USA”
    What we have going on here is a classic case of divide and rule.
    It is simply that of an emperor with new clothes.

    In 2001, we saw the introduction of a new ball game to be played by USA.
    It’s authors came to power in tandem with Bush Jnr.
    They were Henry Kissinger, Bush Snr and an endless list of members from mainstream corporations, banking, media and the social elite.
    Kissinger being famous for his comment “the illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.”
    Their concept was called “The Project for the new American Century”.
    It was basically a list of countries marked for so-called regime change.
    It works on conspiracy to secretly manipulate events and change.
    What the elite want will happen.
    The ball started to roll with Bush Jnr.
    However, he didn’t have enough time to finish the job.
    Therefore, Kissinger chose Obama as the next candidate.
    Kissinger and his people could not give a shit whether they are perceived as Democrats or Republican. His people operate of an entirely different and superior platform.
    The truth of the matter is that it’s simply 2 masks on the same face, with the system rigged to be acceptable to those that fund it.
    Obama in fact broke all previous records of funding by banks and corporations.

    Therefore, Trump is also very much acceptable to the elite as the very same financial institutions are funding him. He is placed exactly where they want him – and Hillary.
    Trump serves the same banking system and they can crush him anytime they like as they control the money flow.
    The trademark insouciance being “tell them what they wanna hear, depending on the audience.”
    The politics is drowning in conspiracy and manipulation.
    It is a one party state masquerading as a free democracy.

    1. Oh I agree with that – two halves of the same harlequin suit. The establishment funds, appoints and wins every election. They present a limited choice both of whom represent the same backers. Not much of a choice.

      1. Yes, that’s where its got to. It’s a comedy of corruption.

        On one side we’ve got Hillary shouting loud about public health reforms for the disadvantaged.
        In reality, she had previously headed up a reform think-tank that concluded that it really would be too expensive.
        She’s working in tandem with the Obama bullshit who had made such promises pre-election to office and so far nothing has changed.
        Even his wife, Michelle, was in on the act. She had the job in Chicago of deflecting the poor blacks, who on arrival to hospital would be denied access and sent off to other areas where the doctors had neither the financial means or the equipment to treat them properly. Incredibly enough, upon hubby’s election into the senate, her salary instantly whopped up by $200k per year, just like that – and she continued on in her role as the acceptable black face deflecting the black community.

        On the other side we’ve got Trump promising to wage war on the corruption of financial institutions and corporations.
        When in reality he is the corporations and fully dependent on the banks.

        I’m not quite sure if there’s a word in the dictionary to describe all this – yet?

      2. Then we have to make one up – we’re being fuckalated by the system. This is hypofuckocritalated system controlled by shady bastards in the background. That’s why they never solve any of the problems. They only run it for profit. There’s money to be made in inequality, poverty and war.
        I still despise Trump though.

    1. The minor differences are important though. That’s what we vote for. They make real differences even though they do not address the real underlying issues.

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