Poetry – Freedom


Freedom is solitude.

Even the breeze must follow

The contours of the hills;

The trees roots obey

The pull of gravity;

The mighty seas be thwarted

By the cliffs.

Even the planets are held

In place by laws.

Nothing is truly free

Unless utterly on its own.

And nothing is free

Of the universe.

Freedom is being at peace

With where you are.

Freedom is nothing more

Than a state of mind –

A coming to terms

With compromise.

Opher 28.7.2018

I wrote this in response to a bunch of American right-wingers on a site I contribute to. They believe they stand for freedom yet they represent the most conservative and conforming bunch of people I’ve ever encountered. They believe they are maverick and unrestricted yet they are so tribal and stereotyped that their minds are completely closed. They are unable to see any other viewpoint.

They believe tax is robbery and government should not interfere with peoples’ lives without seeing that giving a small elite of the strong and powerful power and control is merely bullying. They believe it is alright to do whatever they like without regard to law, the environment or others. I think they confuse licence with freedom.

They talk of freedom but become belligerent and abusive if you express a view different to their own. They will beat you to a pulp for being a communist, gay or Muslim. They wish to take away the rights of people to decide on contraception, abortion, religion and gender.

They believe in God, Country and the gun and despise equality and those who are different.

Their freedom is being exactly in line with everyone else.

Their freedom is everyone else’s terror and subjugation.

Perhaps they need locking up for their own (or our own) good? I think they could be free in solitary.

Poetry – Freedom


Freedom is a concept that is compromise

An idea of amorality

That is even a landmine for the wise.

One man’s freedom impinges on us all

When without restraint,

Limits or bounds

It could result in making

Others crawl.

For the main we learn to rub along quite well

To find our ways through the twists

Without plunging others into hell.

When I speak of freedom

I mean equality,

Fairness, justice and space

For all humanity.

Others speak not of freedom

But selfishness;

Wanting it all for themselves

Without a thought for the rest.

My freedom is of the loving kind.

Opher 1.5.2016


I am always reminded of Donovan when I hear the word freedom. Back when I was a boy I remember sitting in my room playing that Donovan track – Catch the Wind – and taking in that line – Freedom is a word I rarely use without thinking of the times when I’ve been loved.

Freedom is relative and can never be complete. There are too many strictures. If we choose to live within a social setting then we need to be aware of the feelings and needs of those around us. That is a limitation on our freedom, a compromise of our actions.

We are all different and yet we find a way of rubbing along together. That is life. We accommodate each other; we assist, help and look after each other. In return we get warmth, friendship and reciprocal help when we need it. We create society.

What stands out are the ones who refuse to be part of that society, who are greedily exploiting and grabbing everything they can for themselves. For them their freedom to do what they want becomes the abuse of others.

I strive for a fair world where the compromise between personal freedom and social equality is based on empathy and compassion.