I Can Hear Them – a poem

I can hear them


I can hear them

I can feel them.

They speak to me.

With every cyclone,

Every flood,

I feel their anguish.


Not the people.

For they are the focus of attention.

They receive the aid and sympathy.

They look forlorn and hopeless.

They cry openly on camera.

They elicit the response.


The ones I hear and feel

Are the creatures

Swept aside and ignored.



As if they were of no consequence

And did not matter.


Opher 3.4.2019



Every time I see the devastation in the wake of a cyclone or flood, a bushfire or drought, I think of the poor creatures who are caught up in it.

As the poor people are gathered up, fed, sheltered and looked after there is not a single thought for the creatures who were killed, maimed and had their lives destroyed. Nobody seems to care. But I do.