The Purpose of life!

Let me first lay out the framework:

We are a bag of complex chemicals infused with electricity that are capable of thinking.

Our consciousness is created by a neural network much more complex that the most sophisticated computers.

We have a sense of identity that is probably a false construct.

We find it hard to imagine that we could possibly cease to exist or that our lives and the existence of this ginormous infinite universe might be nothing more than chance.

To solve this we invent elaborate eternal afterlives, gods and religions.

We came from nonexistence and will return to nonexistence.

Our conscious formed gradually from an accumulation of cells until there were sufficient to form an intricate network coursing with ionic waves of polarisation, intricate chemistry and patterns. That made us aware.

We are very complex and sophisticated having evolved from simpler bags of chemicals for billions of years.

We live on a small insignificant planet orbiting around a small star out on the spiral arm of a small, normal galaxy.

We crave immortality.

We achieve that through reproduction, through the tangible remnants of our existence (artefacts, machines, structures, words, images, art, music, buildings etc.).

But one day very soon we will cease to live. The electricity will no longer pulse, the waves of polarisation cease and the complex chemistry will grind to a halt. We will cease to be. The identity we had may live on in memories of others or the things we left behind but that is it.

All our history is on this one small precarious planet.

We exist courtesy of a massive ecological network of plants and animals that produce our atmosphere, shield us from cosmic rays, provide our food and inspire us. This ecological web is resilient but also fragile.

If we manage to survive a few billion years more the sun will enlarge into a red dwarf engulfing the whole planet and vaporising every last fossil and artefact so that there will be no evidence of our existence or any other form of life.

If, by then, we have managed to escape our doomed solar system and set up around another star or in the depths of space we may be safe for many billions of years to come.

Eventually, due to entropy, the universe will run down, the stars will go out one by one until the entire cosmos is dark, the heat will drain and atoms will fall apart. All that will be left is a vast puff of hydrogen.

There will be nothing to show we, or anything else, ever existed.

Now we arrive at the purpose of life.

In one sense there is no purpose whatsoever.

In another our very mortality and short lives, coupled with the immense wonder and beauty all around us, provide us with a number of highly motivating purposes.

Instead of becoming depressed at the thought of our demise we should be spurred into action to make the most of every single second of this incredible experience. Ever been on a zip-line? Thrills don’t last forever but they do provide us with excitement!

Our purpose must be something we decide for ourselves. It may be creative, fun, exploratory, educational or simply thrilling. We might find it in competitive sport, in investigating history, in designing the future, helping others, travelling and discovering, filling ourselves with awe and wonder at nature and the universe or a wealth of creative project. Anything that is rewarding and fulfilling.

We have one life measured in seconds. We can fill it with joy, pleasure and wonder or we can waste it.

Futility is in the mind of the terrified.

The purpose of life is to use every second wisely and create a fulfilling lifetime for our bag of chemicals.

May your electricity zing!

Holiday in Reality

Holiday in Reality

A holiday in reality,

                Sojourn under the sun,

A treat with all five senses

                Blink, and it’s gone.

Opening eyes to infinity,

                Tasting something sweet.

Touching is believing,

                Hands, brain and feet.

A holiday from oblivion,

                Respite from the void.

Exposed to everything.

                No time to get annoyed.

Under a zillion stars,

                Stuck to a rock,

Basking in the sunshine:

                A key without a lock!

A holiday in reality,

                Sojourn under the sun,

A treat with all five senses

                Blink, and it’s gone.

Opher – 8.2.2024

Life. What could be better?

Brought to you by the wonders of chemistry whose wondrous laws created biology.

Precious life on a planet hurtling through space.

Five senses coupled to a brain enable us to appreciate the awesome wonder of this spectacle.

Brought to you through billions of years of evolution.

We’re on the journey of a lifetime.

Discover, investigate, gorge yourself. Delight.

Nothing is not better.


WHAAAAATT????? A moment in a life.


Sipping a beer in the tropical heat of Sri Lanka,

                Hanging on a bus.

Racing a powerful motorbike, weaving through the traffic of Brazil.

                Peering over the rim of a volcano.

Riding elephants in Thailand and India, camels in Morocco and Petra,

                Stroking a komodo dragon.

Sampling a rich red wine in South Africa;

                Walking through jungles, along game trails, around peninsulas

                                In the Amazon, Africa and Australia.

Squatting on a huge bleached whale bone,

                Sharing a jay in Kilburn,

                                Laughing, talking, sharing, listening.

Bopping at a Beefheart gig, rapt at Harper,

                In awe at Hendrix and Cream, loving Floyd.

A room full of books,

Rooms full of music,

Collections galore.

                Driving nonstop to Portugal and France in a VW camper,

Driving around the States.

                Driving  around Europe in an old Bedford van.

Many friends been gone and still here.

                Much love.

Family all around.

 Much love.

Staring in awe on the rim of Grand Canyon,

                Looking down at Machu Picchu,

At Borobudur and Amkor Wat.

                Crossing roads in Saigon, walking through the traffic.

Visiting temples, mosques, cathedrals and mosques and marvelling at the ornamentation and architecture while lamenting the doctrine.

Arguing, teaching, learning, reading, writing, loving.

                Eating, drinking, absorbing, glowing.

Squeezing through the narrow souks of Marrakesh,

                Staring at the Taj Mahal, at redwoods, Mesa Verde and Death Valley.

Cuddling, kissing, caressing, embracing. Together.

Working, relaxing, thinking, feeling.

A house. A car. Books and poems. CDs and albums. Loud music. Soft sounds.

                Drifting down the Zambesi in a small boat with hippos and elephants.

                                Canoeing along the amazon catching piranhas and caymen.

Powering along the bayous to find an alligator’s nest.

                Hiking up Crater Lake.

                Watching Condors in Peru, huge saltwater crocodiles in Cairns, golden eagles on Mull.

Sharing with family.

                Sharing with friends.

                                Sharing with strangers.

Caring, striving, helping and full of joy.

In the midst of plenty,

                Lapping up experience,

                                Playing, relaxing, travelling.

Rounding the horn with twenty foot swells.

                Building a raft on the river with my mates.

                                Sport and games.

Hunting lizards, snakes and frogs.

                Collecting caterpillars.

                                                Gigs, galleries, museums and wonder.

Lost in art, in history and culture.

                Lost in a story, a film, a drama.

                                Enraptured by a play.

Meals. Babies. Sex and love. Laughter and the glow of together.

                Sated yearnings. Replete and alive.

The sadness’s compensated by the memories.

Sunrises and sunsets,

                Golden light on green hills,

                                Warmth and freedom.

The click of a stylus,

                The embrace of a familiar song.

Counting the luck.

                Aware of the privilege.

Basking in the journey.

                Luck has played a merry game.

                                Aware that all I’ve ever had is this one moment.

Now, all I can do is ask                              WWWWHHHHAAAAAAAATTTT???????

Opher – 31.1.2024

Reflections on a life.

Recapturing odd moments.

So much more.

Packing in the experience.

Fitting life and family around work.

Reliving the memories.

Living in the moment.

More to come.


Measuring the Hours

Measuring the Hours

I’m counting all my seconds;

                Measuring the hours,

Watching crows pick corpses

                From ivory towers.

Up weighing up the meaning;

                Sorting the purpose

Not making any progress.

                Everything’s perverse.

Trapped in this machine

                Turning everything to dust.

Wading through the motions

                Doing what I must.

I’m packing in the meaning

                Looking here and there.

Creating whirling dervishes.

                Stirring up the air.

Trying to fill each moment

                With wonder and awe.

Looking through every window,

                Opening every door.

Every single thing I’ve done

                All of my creations

Glow worms in the noon day sun

                Useless machinations.

Opher – 3.12.2023

I’m just wondering. All I see are games and egos, conmen and hucksters.

Yet I can take a photo of a glorious sunset or snow-capped mountains and suck it all in.

I can thrill to the hovering of a hawk or the dancing of a hare.

That’s what life is.

Politics of Slime

Politics of Slime

They love their tractor porn.

                They love their cash.

Corrupt to the core

                They defend their stash.

They steal from the nurses,

                Teachers too,

To give to their chums

                In the banking crew.

Allowed enormous profits, quite obscene

                CEO bonuses grew

Pub landlords and PPE

                Money for nothing – it’s true!

Lies and spin

                Propaganda and skew.

Dark Arts, dirty tricks

                Tory political stew.

Politics of slime

                Where nothing is true.

Tories in the gutter

                Where all the turds are blue!

Opher – 4.5.2023

I have never heard of a government more corrupt, sleazy and incompetent than this Tory one (maybe Trump).

Money for questions, money for honours, money for wallpaper, money for holidays, money for mortgages.

Tractor porn and sexual sleaze, partygate and nepotism.

Chucking money at friends, at family and donors. Wasting billions on bogus PPE, or covid trackers and Dildo Harding, pub landlords and Russians.

Allowing enormous profits for companies. Allowing tax loopholes for the wealthy.

Destroying public services.

Cuts and austerity.

Poetry – Take me back to – a poem that reworks the theme of disillusionment


Take me back to

As I walked around the deck of the Marco Polo and thought about the immense changes that have taken place in the last two hundred years I kept reworking this poem.

I’ve travelled through oceans that once teemed with life and are now empty.

I visited islands where British ships replenished their larders by bludgeoning to death all the indigenous creatures.

Two hundred years ago life teemed. Now it is hanging on by its talons.

I am aging in fits and starts on a slow decline towards an inevitable death. The planet is on a similar trajectory.

In the next two hundred years we will have paved it all, caged what’s left and be living in an artificial, plastic paradise, as free as any good consumer can be.

Take me back to where I can breathe and wonder. I want out of this nightmare. 

Take me back to

Take me back to the African plains;

Away from the bombs of the insane;

Away from the craziness of god’s refrain;

Away from the missiles and blood stains;

Away from every human brain;

All the bones of the animals we have slain;

The trees that rot where they’re lain.

I’d send the whole lot down the drain

And start over again.

So I could wonder at the universe

In one sand grain

And find the will

To refrain

From slaughter.

Opher 22.2.2016

If you enjoy my poems or anecdotes why not purchase a paperback of anecdotes for £7.25 or a kindle version for free.

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Rhyme and Reason – just £3.98 for the paperback or free on Kindle

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Poetry – There is a mystic – a poem of wonder



There is a Mystic

I am an antitheist. I believe that there is not only no god but that religion is all about power, is man-made and creates more harm than good.

Having said that I recognise that there is a strange connection at work.

I feel attracted to the beauty of rocks, trees, gorges, sea, lakes and sunsets. I am not alone in experiencing these feelings. Our ancestors worshipped these things before they invented gods. There is a majesty about them.

I can lie on my back and peer up into the night sky and experience awe as I whirl with the stars.

I can peer up at the moon and feel some lightening of my thoughts.

It is no wonder that primitive people, without the knowledge that science has brought, would experience these feelings and imagine the power of moon, sun, rocks and trees as possessing the spirits of gods.

I hope we have put this type of superstition behind us.

But Physics has shown us that there is more strangeness in the quantum world than we ever could have imagined.

I believe there is a lot more for us to discover. We are at the very beginning.

I do not have other words to describe the power that resides in these things. There is a mystic at work.

I cannot find words to express the delight in contacting a human being, or an animal. There is wonder, awe and mystery. There is warmth and communion beyond mere friendship.

There is something I will call mystic.

There is a Mystic

There is a mystic

In the sun and sea;

A mystic

In a grain of sand.

There is a mystery

In the rock and tree

And in the grasping

Of a hand.

Opher 22.3.2016

If you enjoy my poems or anecdotes why not purchase a paperback of anecdotes for £7.25 or a kindle version for free.

Or a book of poetry and comment:

Rhyme and Reason – just £3.98 for the paperback or free on Kindle

My other books are here:

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Wonder and Awe – Human Evolution.

Wisdom of the Ages


We were not always alone as we are now. Although we share 99% of our genes with chimpanzees and gorillas, our closest living relatives, we are different. The prime difference being the size of our brains and our intelligence. Once there were a whole host of different humans.

We evolved in the Rift Valley in Ethiopia. We are all of African descent. We are all one species.

The fossil and DNA evidence is conclusive. Racists and creationists have nowhere to hide. All they can do is deny.

A mere five million years ago our common ancestor split off from the chimp line. The Australopithecines had a brain weight of 500 grams (slightly bigger than a chimp). By 1.8 million years ago there were numerous groups of hominids living in the Rift Valley region. We were not alone. They included Homo habilis and Homo erectus.

Life in the Rift Valley was precarious. There was a lot of climatic change.

By 1.4 million years ago only Homo erectus had survived. But their brain size had evolved to 1000 grams.

800,000 years ago Homo heidelbergensis had evolved. Their brain weight had jumped to 1400 grams (comparable to modern man). They gave rise to both the Neanderthals and Homo sapiens.

Homo sapiens evolved with a brain weight of 1500 grams only 200,000 years ago. We lived alongside our close, and more intelligent, cousins Homo Neanderthal until 45,000 years ago.

We have only been alone for 45,000 years. What a mess we’ve made of things in such a short time!

We are so new that if you took a baby from 200,000 years ago and brought them up in the present day they could be a nuclear scientist, president or rocket scientist without any trouble. We haven’t changed. Our brains are the same.

I like to imagine that somewhere, in a secluded garden of Eden, hidden away, a group of surviving Neanderthals have set up home. Despairing of the destructive violence of their cousins they cloistered themselves away.

I wonder what they would make of the world we have made and our invention of war, religion, pollution, overpopulation, politics, climate change, cruel ways to kill other animals and enough greed, selfishness and power-madness to destroy the planet.

Perhaps with their wisdom and intelligence they could convince us that there is a better way of living. We could take a lesson from the whales and dolphins. We could be gentle and live in a self-sustaining manner in harmony with each other and the planet.

I hope we find them soon. I’m scared of being alone with the megalomaniacs raging around me.

Poetry – The Sun Just is.

The Sun Just is.

The sun just is.

                The story reads itself.

Any dream is as real.

A mind roams the universe.

                We feel

                                We think

                                                We see.

Everything adds up to nothing.

Nothing contains it all.

                We wonder

                                We taste

                                                We conjure.

Reality is inexplicable.

Consciousness an illusion.

                We touch

                                We think

                                                We disappear.

I just am

                When I am.

Opher – 7.12.2021

Explaining infinity, consciousness, dreams or reality requires magic.

We exist.

There is no explanation.