Poetry – A Vacuum of Integrity

A Vacuum of Integrity

A vacuum of integrity

Within a cesspit of sleaze.

A whirlwind of immorality

Decadence by degrees.

Economy with the truth

                Not too strong on facts.

Too lazy to gather the proof.

                Feeding soundbites to hacks.

Courting popularity: playing the clown.

                Always the dappy buffoon.

A laugh: never brings you down.

                Really a hapless goon.

When it comes to running the country

                He hasn’t got a clue.

Dithering, bumbling, lost at sea

                He doesn’t know what to do.

A vacuum of integrity

Within a cesspit of sleaze.

A whirlwind of immorality

Decadence by degrees.

Opher – 25.4.2021

It was Dominic Grieve who said Johnson was a vacuum of integrity. That just about sums it up.

He’ll do anything to gain power, cling on to power or make his case. Lies, prevarications, dishonesty.

It is a cesspit of corruption.

Johnson is undoubtedly a leader. He has charisma. He gets people to believe and follow. The trouble is that he’s blindly leading everyone into the valley of death.

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