Poetry – On The Brink

On The Brink

On the brink of a nuclear holocaust


                With the promise

                                Of assured mutual destruction.

The apes are insane.

                Consumed with the madness of paranoia

                                Tinged with lust for power

                                                As Putin dishes out instruction.

He’d rather wipe out humanity

                Turn the planet into ash,

                                A glowing ember,

Than lose face.

With his hypersonic

                Ballistic missiles

                                Throwing the whole world

                                                Into yet another arms race.

Forget about poverty,

                Global warming and biodiversity

                                We’ll deal with them another day.

                                                This is about pride.

Who cares about the future?

                Who cares about the billions?

                                Who cares at all?

                                                Just cast all sense aside.

We dangle on the brink of oblivion,

                Waiting for Putin to bring it on.

Opher – 2.4.2022

I am old enough to have lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis when we hung on the edge of nuclear catastrophe. I remember going into school not knowing if I would live to see home again. Hiding under our desks was never likely to work, was it? All day we listened to the news on our portable trannies. The Russians ducked out at the very last minute. We lived.

I have visited the underground bunkers with all their strategic planning. Places where our masters would sit it out while we fried. They spent billions on them. There were bolt-holes under parliament, Buckinghan Palace and country hall – miles down. They were preparing for the holocaust. The holocaust was very real. Not that they wanted us to really know the extent. We were expendable.

For people like Putin the whole planet is expendable.

Solidarity with the Traumatised people of Ukraine.

War is obscene. All who it touches are traumatised.

Putin is a paranoid megalomaniac.

I am so grateful to have spent my whole life safe and away from the monstrosities that take place around the world as the megalos and fanatics play our their brutal games.

The UN Vote – 141 countries condemn Russia’s evil war!! Time for action!!

This clearly shows the need for the United Nations. It is the moral compass of the world.

141 nations voted in favour of a UN General Assembly motion condemning the invasion of Ukraine, while just five – Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Syria and Russia – opposed it

Well, Belarus and Russia would, wouldn’t they? They are the evil bastards invading Ukraine. Syria owes its survival on Russian intervention. It’s where they practised reducing cities to rubble and blowing up women and children (after doing the same in Chechnia). Eritrea and North Korea are both repugnant tyrannies run by evil dictators who are quite at home with treating their own people with callous cruelty. For them to vote against violence would be hypocritical.

35 abstained!! Of those China and India were two main players. China, because of this weird alliance of communist states against the West and India because, stupidly it has got itself heavily reliant on Russian military hardware (perhaps the poor reliability of the Russian equipment will indicate to them that this is a big mistake).

It is interesting to see the alliances, dependencies and evil so graphically displayed in numbers!!


What is really needed now is for the UN to have teeth. Having had such a vote it would be good if the UN were now able to step in, put a halt to the fighting and apply sanctions to Russia.

I want a world with more scrutiny and accountability. The architects of this war need hauling up in front of the world’s court and prosecuted for their actions.

If Putin and his Generals were made to pay for their actions we might see steps taken against the other warmongers from Iran, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Nigeria and the rest.

We’re getting close to having the means.

Hold the Warmongers to account!!