Poetry – What is it that Russia wants?

I wrote this two years ago before the Ukraine war. Trump and Johnson were both sucking up to Putin. The Russians were instrumental in getting Brexit done and electing Trump and Johnson – big funders of them and their campaigns.

What is it that Russia wants?

To divide and conquer

That is the simple plan.

Pumping out the cyber.

Doing all they can.

They want the USA divided

And Europe split apart.

Populist leaders

Who haven’t any heart.

They don’t need

To go to war.

Targetting views

Into the homes of the poor.

Spreading rumours

And conspiracy.

In some modern-day


A wedge between allies

Suspicion into minds.

Deep State is after you,

Break the ties that bind.

To divide and conquer

That is the simple plan.

Pumping out the cyber.

Doing all they can.


So who’s been sucking up to Putin and has all manner of dodgy deals in Russia??

Russia, under Putin, desperately wants to disrupt and undermine the West. He’s doing a good job of it too.

He’s been interfering in elections, sending out conspiracy theories and fake news and generally confusing everyone.

It’s all part of his plan.

Trump’s his ace card.