Brexit – The truth!

This Tory Brexit was based on lies.
The Report from the Resolution Foundation

The Working Class was conned.

It has made the country much poorer.

It has made a number of Brexiteers very rich.

Boris Johnson backed it in order to become Prime Minister knowing it would be a disaster.

It has taken away many of our rights.

It has made us all poorer.

It has created mounds of unnecessary red tape.

It has reduced our power and influence.

So far it has cost us £130 Billion (more than we paid into the EU in 47 years)

It has placed a bunch of odious extreme nationalists in charge of our country.

It has eroded workers’ rights, depressed pay, caused shortages of labour and raised prices.

We are paying for it with higher prices and raised taxes.

Ever been duped????

To give the referendum to the people was stupid. The complexity was beyond their understanding. They made their choice based on lies, false patriotism, ugly nationalism, jingoism, racism and false promises. It was all a shabby contrick.

Here’s a bunch of Brexiteer lies:

Poetry – TV Evangelist

TV Evangelist

With his hand upon the TV

He invokes Jesus and the scriptures,

Inviting the faithful followers

To join him in his raptures.

Fighting with the demons

He drives Covid from the sick.

All you have to do

Is present him with a cheque.

He drives in his limo

To his mansion on the hill.

Then to his waiting learjet

Servants tending to his will.

He wears the most expensive suits

And eats like a king.

In the business converting lost souls

Who’ll give him everything.

Preying on the stupid

Who all their lives did toil.

He’s the holy moly charlatan

The purveyor of snake oil.

Opher – 31.8.2020

It is quite incredible how these poor American fools have sent in their money to these charlatans and frauds and turned them into multimillionaires.

Talk about gullible.

But these people are positively dangerous. They are encouraging silly practices.

You don’t cure Covid through faith and certainly not by touching your TV screen and receiving the healing power from a snake-oil salesman who then asks for a handsome contribution.

Carl Sagan – On us being bamboozled

Yes we are being bamboozled. The wealthy have been taking the whole world for a ride and bamboozling us.

Trump bamboozled for his own end.

Johnson, Gove and Farage bamboozled us to get Brexit.

The whole populist agenda is one big bamboozle. A bunch of overprivileged millionaires who bamboozled the public into thinking they were on our side.

We’ve been bamboozled so long we don’t know up from down.