Current Writing Status February 2023

Everything is going forward. This is what I’ve been up to:

Neil Young in the 60s.

I am 110 pages into my latest project. I have a contract with Sonicbond Publishing to produce a book on Neil Young in the 60s for October. It needs to be 60,000 words and today I reached 32,000. All downhill from here. I’m thoroughly enjoying listening to Neil’s entire output in the sixties. I’ve worked my way through the Squires, Mynah Birds, Buffalo Springfield and Crosby Stills Nash and Young and I’m now completing the solo albums before the live albums and compilations. It’s very time-consuming but rewarding. It is fun to listen to music you are very familiar with in a different context. Picking the music and lyrics apart to write about it is something else.

I’m hoping to complete the first draft by the end of next month. That’s when the hard work of editing and honing begins. I’m confident I’ll hit my October deadline.

Bob Dylan in the 60s.

Sonicbond are in the process of publishing my Bob Dylan book. It is set for publication in June and I see they have already put it up on Amazon for advance orders.

That was another labour of love.Listening to, and writing about, Bob Dylan’s output in the sixties was really interesting. It was also a voyage of discovery. It took me thousands of hours but I loved every minute and learnt a lot.

I know what is going to happen though. In May Sonicbond will be on at me to do a string of corrections and updates in no time at all and it will all get very hectic.

Roy Harper and Captain Beefheart.

These two books are out and can be purchased directly from the publisher’s own site Burning Shed (161 likes) and (51 likes). Alternatively, they are available from all good bookshops (definition of a good bookshop is one that stocks my books) or Amazon – (13 5* reviews) or (61 %* ratings and reviews).

Thank you to all of you who have supported me by purchasing my books and leaving such brilliant ratings and reviews (I read them all when I need a bit of a boost)! You’re all BRILLIANT!!

Unintended Consequences

My latest Sci-fi novel is currently out under my alias of Ron Forsythe. It is also available on Amazon:

I could really do with some feedback on this one. At present there are not any reviews.

The Cabal and The Scrolls of Pandora 3

In a great burst of creativity I wrote these two Sci-fi novels. A big thank you to Neil Lock for his sterling work in editing them and suggesting improvements. I have the two books on hold with the intention of attempting to get an agent or publishing house interested.

When I have completed the first draft of the Neil Young book I shall take some time out to go through the slog of sending them out. We’ll see. Meanwhile, if anybody knows of a publisher who might be interested in taking me on please let me know.

The other 85 books of poetry, weird novels, Beat writings, education, environment, art, antinovels, anecdotes, sixties weird stuff, short stories and sci-fi novels.

These remain available through Amazon. I’d be delighted if you took a look. Even more delighted if you bought one. Absolutely ecstatic if you bought them all and in a profound state of delirium if you were to leave ratings and reviews!


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