Anything to keep Power!!

Greed is an addiction. Power brings wealth. Power corrupts. They’ll do anything to stay in power.

They do not care about us at all.

Over the last twelve years, they have systematically cut public services and thrown millions into extreme poverty while giving huge amounts of money to the wealthy.

Now, digging themselves in a hole with their lies and arrogant abuse of power, they are desperately trying to hang on to power. It’s all about the election and winning votes. They are behind in the polls. They have stolen Labour’s policies.

4 thoughts on “Anything to keep Power!!

    1. I trust the media so little, that I copied the Independent’s article. Here it is:

      Ministers who are found to have breached the Ministerial Code will no longer be automatically expected to resign or face the sack, according to a new government policy statement.

      The statement said it would be “disproportionate” to expect a minister to lose their job for “minor” breaches of the code.

      The prime minister could instead order “some form of public apology, remedial action or removal of ministerial salary for a period”.

      The statement added: “Reflecting the prime minister’s accountability for the conduct of the executive, it is important that a role is retained for the prime minister in decisions about investigations.”

      Earlier, Tory MP Paul Holmes resigned as an aide to home secretary Priti Patel, saying the Sue Gray report into Partygate has exposed a “deep mistrust” in government.

      It is the first resignation since the publication of the civil servant’s final report into Covid rule-breaking parties in Downing Street.

      The Eastleigh MP said a “toxic culture [seems] to have permeated Number 10”.

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