Poetry – War Crimes

War Crimes

Bombing hospitals, schools and power stations,

Executing civilians,

Blowing up women and babies

The evil stench of war

With no holds barred

Spreads like a nasty dose of rabies.

This is not war!

These are war crimes!

Targeting houses and civilians

Threatening nuclear holocaust

To intervening nations

With costs soaring into trillions.

As obscene as it is absurd

To resort to such barbarity

At one man’s behest.

Putin ignores the wrath of the world,

Arrogantly striking out

With no crimes confessed.

Ultimately we need the courts

To hold all perpetrators to account,

To bring them to the justices.

But will the brainwashed Russian people

Wake up to reality

And hand over Putin and his accomplices?

Opher – 5.5.2022

This is where bodies like the United Nations need to live up to their lofty ideals and step in. This is where all nations need to be united to condemn any nations that use war to invade sovereign states. This is when the targeting of hospitals, schools and civilians need to be called out for what they are – WAR CRIMES!!

It is a disgrace that, for political reasons, many nations are refusing to stand up for justice and human rights, are refusing to condemn aggression and violence and are condoning this evil perpetuation of WAR CRIMES!

No matter where in the world, or by whom, all perpetrators of WAR CRIMES need to be dragged before the courts and properly punished.

I would love to see the day when Putin and his loathsome warmongers are handed over by the Russian people and tried before international courts.

The same should be true for all those guilty in Syria, Yemen, Eritrea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Somalia and the rest.

It’s time the UN had the power to intercede.

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