Poetry – Each Moment

Each Moment

This is the one of my secular ritual poems; to give thanks for life and to be grateful that we have evolved eyes to see and senses with which to witness something of the majesty of the universe – to be thankful that the universe exists.

There are mysteries all around us and we use our senses and the instruments we devise with our intelligence to understand and marvel.

Each moment here is heaven. We have no need for more.

Intelligence is rare. Life might be so rare we will never contact another race. But we can imagine, feel and experience the enormity of infinite possibility.

That is exalting in itself.

We should have rituals for each and every sunset. They are precious.

Each Moment

Each moment is precious –

Each and every moment.

Each moment is a great gift from fate,

Born of chance.

We are thankful for this great opportunity to breathe,

This chance to soak

In the dreams of life.

For what we have is more precious

Than we can imagine.

We are thankful

For the opportunity

To see oceans,



And sky.

We are thankful

For plants, animals

Moors and forests.

We are fortunate;

We have the great fortune to live.

Opher 14.3.2016