Poetry – Let’s escape!

Let’s escape!

Let’s escape from war!!

Down the humanitarian corridor!

Away from the threats we all deplore!

To the peace we had before!

But peace is an illusion.

                Reality is confusion.

The warlord’s solution –

                Inevitable conclusion.

Let’s escape from war!!

Down the humanitarian corridor!

Away from the threats we all deplore!

To the peace we had before!

Power and control

                Is their only goal.

Through war and begging bowl

                They take their toll.

Let’s escape from war!!

Down the humanitarian corridor!

Away from the threats we all deplore!

To the peace we had before!

There is no escape

                They have us by the nape,

Use bomb and rape

                Create their own landscape.

Let’s escape from war!!

Down the humanitarian corridor!

Away from the threats we all deplore!

To the peace we had before!

Nostalgic dreams ……..

Opher – 7.3.2022

Has the world ever been without war? I don’t think so. It’s an endless cycle.

Just because it has been in Chechnya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Myanmar, Eritrea, has meant that we can gloss over it, but it has never gone away.

The powerful elite, or those aspiring, have been vying to control, suppress, oppress and exert.

Through politics, religion and the promise of social change and justice, there are always those who will rouse others, or direct their followers towards violence.

We’ve never know peace.

The powerful and wealthy seek more power, more control and more wealth.

They’ll never have enough.