The USA funding Genocide!

Do they really care??

Besides, there’s money to be made!!

What is it for?

Deliberate Destruction

What is it for?

Deliberate Destruction

Rape and death.

What is it for?

They call it war.

Identify an enemy

Promote hate and fear

Target the poor.

Chance to make profit.

Exploit the situation.

Cash from the gore.

Opher – 5.2.2024

War is a money-making exercise.

They sell the arms and equipment.

They rebuild the cities.

Plenty profit to be made!!

They stomp up the fear. Create the hate. Raise the cities. Build them up again. You can’t beat a good war for rallying the stock market.

War what is it good for?

Tory Green Policies?? All a farce!!

Tories and green policies go together like butter and dog shit. If there is money to be made everything goes out the window.

The Tories are a self-serving profit-making enterprise. They exist to exploit and make money.

That’s why we have sewage in our rivers and seas. That’s why we’re mining coal and drilling for oil.

That’s why they run down public services and privatise everything – so they and their wealthy chums can make more money at our expense!

Green policies and Tories are oil and water (at least sewage dissolves!)

They sell the future for a quick buck and try to pull the wool over our eyes.