The Corona Diaries

Back in lockdown I made a daily diary of events, feelings and views. I have now released these historic artefacts as a book. Fascinating it is too! A record of days in the life. Available in Hardback, paperback and digital.

The Corona Diaries Pt. 1 (210 days from March 15th 2020 to October 19th 2020): Goodwin, Opher: 9798397064576: Books

The Corona Diaries – Day 101

Posted on July 3, 2020 by Opher

Today Johnson, who is suffering from a huge dip in popularity due to his dithering, ineptitude and backing of the devious Cummings, tried to regain the momentum by announcing major relaxations of the lockdown rules.

It appears that 1metre is sufficient and pubs, restaurants and hairdressers can open. They’ve even let those shielding out and we can meet up with more people. We’ll see. A lot of scientists think this is too soon. Will the loony element adhere to the rules or will many think it’s all over?

As for me – well, being a biologist I have some knowledge of viruses. I will be doing what I’ve been doing. I’m happy to meet up with people if there is no touching and we meet up outside. We do not touch anything that someone else has touched. We sterilise it.

Seems like a sensible way forward to me. I’ll happily go and get a beer in a beer garden or even a meal at an outside table. I won’t go inside. I won’t go into shops unless I have to.

This will largely work through Summer. We’ve had such great weather I haven’t had to go inside (home deliveries and not seeing people). What happens when this goes on into winter (Covid 19 is not going away)???

We’ll see. I’m not expecting any magic vaccination programme or cure any time soon (I imagine next Summer might be the time for a vaccine to appear on the scene).

I guess I will play it by ear. Hopefully, the government might have got themselves organised and brought in a good programme of testing and follow-up soon (any moron could surely get it sorted in a few weeks – but then the government surpasses itself in moronity). We might even have an app like other countries!!

If we get to know exactly what is happening in our own locality we can make intelligent risk assessments.

Who knows?? In my view, there are bound to be many local flare-ups if not a second spike.

Today I enjoyed the sunshine with a 12-kilometre walk up the chalk path onto the Wolds.  I played my Ry Cooder, read my Woody Guthrie book and sorted a few photos. It’s amazing how quickly the day goes.

So enjoy Lockdown, keep yourself safe and leave it to the idiots to flout the regs.

The Corona Diaries – Day 102

Posted on July 4, 2020 by Opher

The main problem is that this has become real. I cannot remember actually interacting normally. For nearly a third of a year, I’ve been isolating. No gigs, friends of touching other people. It takes its toll. I’m beginning to feel lethargic and numb. Not good.

Outside, the world is starting up but I am very wary. Being in a vulnerable group I can see the implications. The virus is still there. The government is desperate to restart the economy; they are taking a risk. It’s not one I’m yet prepared to take.

The Corona Virus hits a new peak worldwide, America and Brazil are surging, and we still have 829 new cases a day. It doesn’t take much for that to go mad. If people don’t social distance it could go exponential. I’m staying in. The worst place to be is inside with strangers!

Trump stupidly holds rallies. Bolsonaro stays in denial, and Johnson acts like an enthusiastic fool with no strategy. Where’s the clear advice? Where the test and trace? This is bloody July!! We’ve had since January!! Now the stupid Brexiteers are holding back from joining the EU vaccine scheme. They’ve already missed out on PPE and ventilators. These guys are nuts – ideology before people!!

After yesterday’s frenetic Dead Kennedys I cooled it down with some Booker T and the MGs while I decorated the front room.

Cheers To Matt Krueger for publishing his magazine on Bukowski – It has one of my poems in it! Grab a copy quick. It’s a limited edition!

I went for my daily walk up my hill with a brooding sky and threat of violence. It was sultry. I thought that suited the day. The pubs are open. Trouble is brewing

Stay safe.

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