Lucky Today

Lucky Today

I was lucky today,

                I managed to book a slot to be ill,

Someone cancelled,

                Probably died.

So on May the twenty eighth at ten fifteen

                In two thousand and twenty eight

The doctor can see me

                And prescribe me a pill.

I have five years

                To think about

                                What might be making me unwell.

Let’s hope it’s nothing serious!

I am on a roll.

                I managed to find an appointment

To sort which teeth I might want to fill.

                That’s in twenty twenty-nine.

So I’ve got six years

                To save up

So that I can pay the bill.

My kids are being taught

                By a homeless guy

                                The school took in off the street.

He has no qualifications

                But he was cheap.

They’re holding an lottery

                For a loaf of bread.

I might buy a ticket.

                Only a pound.

I know thousands will be trying for it

                But it’s my lucky day!

Opher – 15.3.2023

I was listening to Hunt’s budget in which he handed out lots of promises, gave lots of money to the rich as usual, and told us how brilliant they’d been for the past twelve years and how marvellous it was going to be in the future.

Outside in the streets the whole country is on strike because of starvation wages, cuts and austerity, shelves are empty and everything is horribly broken.

Dental appointments, hospitals, ambulances, trains, GPs, restaurants, farms, fishing, you name it. Costs too high, staff shortages, red tape and poor wages – the joys of Brexit.

At least we’ve taken back control and given it to Rees-Mogg!!

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