Poetry – Ode to a Fundamentalist

Ode to a Fundamentalist

If he had a woman she’d not be allowed to think

He’d keep her shackled to the kitchen sink.

When not popping babies she’d clean up the house

Then sit looking pretty as still as a mouse.

She’d have to obey his every whim

For as is obvious she’s not really equal to him.

And as for the faggots and those perverted by porn

He’d have them rounded up to be shot at dawn.

The wanking police would be knocking at your door

Checking for spills so they could give you what for.

Those that were guilty of teaching sex ed

Would be tortured and maimed until better off dead.

And as for the commies, those who crave equality

Death is too good for you, them and me.

And as for the stoners – those that get out of their head

There’s another group who’d be better off dead.

So round them up with the queers, sluts and wogs

Kick ‘em and lash them

They’re worse than stray dogs.

When he was all through and had cleaned up the perverse,

Using archaic texts in Arabic verse,

He’d proclaim the world free of perversion and sin –

Herald a new age and usher it in.

He would be King of the whole damned world

And all nature would die as his plans unfurled;

For the scientists all lie – there’s no extinction rate

And as for the climate – that’s going just great!

He knows that god wrote the words from his realm up in space

And gave them to us cos we’re such a disgrace.

So stone all the women and bash out baby brains,

Wage war on the infidel who are obviously insane.

They believe the wrong words from the wrong book

So bomb them to bits and hang them from hooks.

But the new age is the past in his universe

Where superstition rules with lessons so terse.

Rules that were written thousands of years gone

Now applied to the letter to right every wrong.

In his universe it’s all white and black

You do as you’re told and don’t dare answer back.

For in the new age we’ll all be white male

With a society like that you just cannot fail!

No room for inferiors or the depraved

They’ll all be wiped out or rightly enslaved.

They’ll be no point in arguing – no ifs and no buts

But fortunately ….. we all see …….. that he is just nuts!!

Other 17.6.2018

I wrote this for a particular religious nutcase who writes on a forum I contribute to. It is an accurate picture of what the guy believes. These people actually manage to get themselves in positions of power where they inflict their horrendous fundamentalist views on the rest of us.

Their misogyny, homophobia, racism and religious intolerance is scary.

This is the type of thing Margaret Atwood wrote The Handmaid’s Tale about.

They are real.