Poetry – Patterns


There is an energy

That pervades the universe;

Connects everything

With the hum of its electricity.

There is a vibration

That runs through everything,

That brings harmony

With its unifying force.

There are no edges

Between this and that,

Or you and me,

For we are porous.

We connect to that flow,

That pervading hum,

As if we are not there –

And perhaps we are not?

Are we merely part

Of that cosmic flow?

A pattern amid the many patterns

Of happy happenstance?

Opher 3.8.2018

Energy flows through the universe passing through all matter as if it wasn’t there.

What appears to be a solid barrier is really an illusion.

We are patterns. All things are patterns. We change. We flow with the flow.

What are these patterns? What do they mean?