The enemy is Patriarchy!

We need to create a better, fairer world!

And patriarchy is just as damaging for men as it is for women. All that macho arrogance, superiority, posturing, violence and stunted emotions.

Patriarchy has created misogynistic religions, violence and war. Time we put it right!

Why does Religion hate women so much??

Half the world’s population are female. They are every bit as intelligent as men. They are perhaps more sensitive, more caring than men. Why have they been demoted to second-class citizens in many countries?

In Afghanistan today the Taliban are already beginning to impose their loathsome misogynistic policies.

Women will no longer be educated;

No longer be able to walk out on the streets to meet their friends;

No longer be able to work;

They will be forced to dress in full body robes;

No longer able to listen to music;

They will be forcibly married to Taliban fighters;

No longer be able to blog, speak out, take part in leadership or politics;

They will be subservient to men, locked up indoors, abused and imprisoned!

This may be extreme but it is by no means the only examples.

Nowhere is immune to this misogyny. All around the world women have had to fight for the vote.

Women are restricted to menial jobs, segregated from men, treated with disdain, abused, restricted, discriminated against, and controlled by men.

One only has to look at the major religions and cultures – Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism have a long history of excluding women and demeaning them. Islam may be the worst but it is by no means the only misogynistic religion.

Misogyny is embedded in cultures throughout the world! We have become an obnoxious Patriarchal planet.