Groundhogs – Sad is the Hunter – lyrics about man’s cruelty and how music is the saviour.


This could be the theme tune for the anti-hunting league. I’m not sure if they’d appreciate such a heavy sounding song though.

The basic premise of the song is that cruelty is integral to humanity but that we can channel those primitive urges into music. We can rise above our barbarity.

I also believe that we can become better.

Sad is the Hunter

Thinking ’bout the prospects of the future,

Thinking ’bout conditions in the past.

Thinking ’bout the people in my own time,

How long their future’s gonna last.

Read about the Spanish inquisition,

Read about the witch-hunt’s of those days,

Things have only changed in outward appearance,

Cruelty is integral in man’s ways.

For we all applaud the surgeon,

saving lives and mending limbs,

Does he use his latent sadism,

For his work is pretty grim. .

Hunting is the vehicle for some men,

To satisfy their baser needs,

Sport is the label for this depravity,

A distortion of the need to feed.

Innocents should never have to suffer,

With their lives for the pleasure of the few,

An alternative is always available,

look at it from a different view.

This decade has seen a new way,

To curb this unfortunate trait,

Let music be the hunter,

and keep your conscience straight.

Poetry – Freedom Day

Freedom Day

It’s freedom day next Monday,

                Throw away your mask!

                                What will be will be!

Forget about social distancing

                Take the government to task.

                                We’ll all be absolutely free!

License for the morons.

                Prison for the wise.

                                A populist agenda

                                                From out a bed of lies!

Think about the economy.

                Don’t think about the deaths.

                                Think about freedom!

We’ll all be down the pub.

                Taking in big breaths.

                                Carpe diem!!

License for the morons.

                Prison for the wise.

                                A populist agenda

                                                From out a bed of lies!

In the midst of a pandemic,

                With numbers rising fast,           

                                A modicum of intelligence?

Forget your ventilators.

                We’re going to have a blast!

                                Rules are an irrelevance.

License for the morons.

                Prison for the wise.

                                A populist agenda

                                                From out a bed of lies!

Opher -17.7.2021

Is there anything more insane than taking away all the rules when the case numbers are going through the roof?

Are we just pandering to a populist whim?

I’m going to go back into lockdown. Let the morons dance, sing and die!!