Living in Groundhog Day

Living in Groundhog Day

It’s Groundhog Day all over again!

I’m living in Déjà vu!

With Johnson dithering

Just like he used to do!

He’s allowed the variant in

And it’s panic stations again.

All those lockdown measures

Become a common refrain!

It’s Groundhog Day once more!

As the death-toll begins to rise!

Failed to shut the borders!

Now there’s a jolly surprise!

The vaccine was going so well.

He thought he could do anything.

He believed he could solve all the problems

With a slogan and a grin!

It’s Groundhog Day on the rollercoaster

Complacency, dither and panic!

I think we’re heading for another lockdown

If only the fool could plan it!

The public still think he’s doing a good job.

Only a 128,000 dead!

Despite the sleaze, lies and corruption

He’s better than sliced bread!

It’s Groundhog Day all over again!

I’m living in Déjà vu!

With Johnson dithering

Just like he used to do!

Opher – 29.5.2021

I am watching a repeating pattern of incompetence!

Complacency. Failure to act. Followed by panic and disaster.

All we needed to do was to put stringent controls at the border to keep the Indian variant out.

What did he do?

He allowed thousands of people in from India without the slightest control – flight after flight after flight after flight after flight. They brought the disease and spread around the country. Now it’s raging out of control.

The Track and Trace is in the hands of incompetent Tory chums and is still failing despite the £37 billion wasted.

Now he’s panicking. It is growing exponentially. It’s affecting the young. The hospitals are going to be flooded. The whole timetable is thrown out.

Dithering and panicking do not seem to make things better!!

Doing a good job??????

A sloth from the Amazon would be more on the ball!!

Poetry – Freedom Day

Freedom Day

It’s freedom day next Monday,

                Throw away your mask!

                                What will be will be!

Forget about social distancing

                Take the government to task.

                                We’ll all be absolutely free!

License for the morons.

                Prison for the wise.

                                A populist agenda

                                                From out a bed of lies!

Think about the economy.

                Don’t think about the deaths.

                                Think about freedom!

We’ll all be down the pub.

                Taking in big breaths.

                                Carpe diem!!

License for the morons.

                Prison for the wise.

                                A populist agenda

                                                From out a bed of lies!

In the midst of a pandemic,

                With numbers rising fast,           

                                A modicum of intelligence?

Forget your ventilators.

                We’re going to have a blast!

                                Rules are an irrelevance.

License for the morons.

                Prison for the wise.

                                A populist agenda

                                                From out a bed of lies!

Opher -17.7.2021

Is there anything more insane than taking away all the rules when the case numbers are going through the roof?

Are we just pandering to a populist whim?

I’m going to go back into lockdown. Let the morons dance, sing and die!!