The Tory Way!! Terrify the life out of them!

We cannot have unlimited immigration. That is obvious. The worlds in a mess with wars, economics and climate change driving people out. We are a haven of relative prosperity and safety. But we are a small island. We haven’t got the room or facilities to support unlimited immigration. We have to limit it.

However, the vast majority of our immigration is legal.

in 2023 there were 1,180,000 legal immigrants (mainly from Africa and Asia). There were only 52,530 illegal immigrants (mainly from Syria and Afghanistan) and the majority of these would have been legal if properly processed.

We have replaced the transient Eastern European labour with less transient more expensive labour from around the world.

When we were sold the lies about Brexit we were told that :

a. We would control our borders (Obviously hasn’t happened!)

b. We would have a policy to allow essential workers in (Inept, useless, ineffective and costly)

c. We would reduce immigration (it’s gone up a lot!!)

d. British workers would flock to fill the gaps (They haven’t!!)

When we were in Europe we were working closely with our European partners to control immigration. We had mutually beneficial movement of workers that suited our needs. We could have controlled immigration more if we had chosen – there were the means but we did not use them.

Now, for some reason, our European neighbours no longer want to help us. I wonder why?

Instead of moving closer to Europe and working out a sensible scheme, the racist, xenophobic ERG refuse to cooperate and have opted for a hugely expensive policy of deterrence. It’s a bit like the ‘Flog ’em’ and ‘Hang ’em’ policies they learnt in public school. They are always in favour of pain and brutality. It’s a product of the public schools.

COST of Rwanda Policy

In total, the IPPR estimates that the Rwanda policy will cost the government between £1.1 and £3.9 billion to deport the 20,000 asylum seekers who have entered the UK via so-called “irregular routes” since last year. That is a staggering £195,000 per immigrant!

Are they seriously suggesting there aren’t cheaper solutions???

They want to terrorise young immigrants to frighten them into not coming!!

What a terrible policy!!

Now if we’d stayed in Europe we could have worked with the French!! We could target the gangs and set up processing centres to sort the immigrants. Many of them have legitimate claims. Many are traumatised by war or torture. The ones who have no legitimate reason could be deported back to their own country of origin.

Instead we spend a fortune shipping them to a country with very dubious human rights!

Is this any way to humanely treat people?

It smacks of concentration camps to me!!

Rishi is focussing on this tiny number while leaving the back door wide open!!

It’s nuts!!

Asylum Seekers and Refugees – some random thoughts. What do you think?

It is obvious that we cannot allow an unrestricted stream of refugees and asylum seekers into the country.

We have to provide a mechanism to deal with this stream of people.

There are many reasons why we have such a large number of refugees (much of it due to our own fault):

War refugees (from Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and now Ukraine ….. wars that we created or sponsored);

Colonial refugees from the likes of China;

Political/Social refugees fleeing from tyrannical states from whom they might be persecuted, tortured or executed (for political, religious or social reasons – (such as being gay));

Environmental refugees fleeing countries suffering from intolerable heat, crop failures, drought etc.;

Economic refugees looking to move to a country that is more prosperous with more prospects for their family.

We have created a world that is hugely unequal. There are many reasons why that inequality has arisen – colonialism, conquest through war, economic exploitation, greed, privilege…… some of these issues are global. We have a wealthy, privileged class in most countries. These peoples’ greed means that they seize an enormous portion of the nations’ wealth resulting in mass poverty. Corruption in many badly run countries greatly exacerbates the problems.

In my view:

In the Short Term, we need a system to deal with this problem. Out of compassion, we need a system that provides sanctuary for certain people seeking asylum – historically we have always provided a safe haven for those persecuted people fleeing persecution. The criteria need to be legally described and a process put in place to apply these criteria fairly. I believe that has been done. Britain is a cosmopolitan, multiracial country and all the better for it.

We need to set up a rapid system where people awaiting processing can be properly housed and quickly processed.

We need to work with other countries (the EU and others) to enable all this to work smoothly.

We need to return unsuccessful applicants to the countries they came from.

In the Longer Term, we need to tackle the problems that are creating these huge migrations:

We need to put a stop to all wars!

We need to reverse global warming and climate change.

We need to provide global aid to all those suffering short-term catastrophes.

We need to reduce the world population so that we do not have massive population explosions that cannot be supported.

We have to reduce the obscene level of inequality so that we do not have these distressing levels of poverty and all people have a positive standard of living.

We need to globally address the environmental degradation that is leading to climate change and a crisis in biodiversity.

In my opinion:

Turning a blind eye to the situations we have created (through war, colonialism, exploitation and global warming) is immoral.

Trying to farm out the problem to other countries is immoral.

Sending refugees to some African state with very dubious human rights records (such as Rwanda) at huge cost is immoral.

Deliberately making it difficult to apply for asylum and making the process lengthy and difficult is immoral.

Deliberately creating terrible conditions for refugees (as a deterrent to others) is immoral.


This is a complex problem with no easy answers. Trying to sweep it under the carpet or using nasty tactics to dissuade refugees is not the answer.