Controversy with Neil – Free Trade Barriers

Free Trade Barriers

I’m all for removing all barriers to trade and movement. I am aware of the difficulties involved. At present the grotesque inequalities of economics would result in mass migration from impoverished countries to wealthier countries. Then we have the effects of global warming and parts of the world becoming too hot and uninhabitable.

However, it is not beyond the wit of man to solve both of these problems.

Turning Our World the Right Way Up – Free Life (

Controversial replies to my friend Neil Lock. All Humans want to make a mark.

Neil and I share some of the same opinions but have very opposing solutions to many of today’s problems. He puts up long rants and I attempt to reply.

Wanting to Make a mark

No I do not agree that human civilisations or individuals all want to make a mark. That is the province of post-agricultural civilisations. Most people wanted to live in harmony with nature and the natural work and not alter it. Religion has a lot to answer for.

Turning Our World the Right Way Up – Free Life (