Weird Stuff!!

I am weird. There’s no doubt about it!

I am a bag of chemicals, suffused with electricity, that thinks and is aware of itself; that can move around, see, feel and hear and is aware of his own precarious state.

I live in a vast vacuum so big that it has no boundaries. It never began and it will never end. There are zillions of lumps of rock and clouds of gasses in this vacuum. They came from nothing. They are going nowhere. They spin around in this vacuum trillions of miles away from each other. We see them as specks of light or mysterious glowing orbs. We’ve often worshipped these rocks.

I ‘live’ on one of these rocks. It is hurtling through the vacuum at incredible speeds – hundreds of thousands of miles per hour – in a complex spiral imposed on a spiral, yet I appear to be standing still and everything is serene. How weird is that?

I share this rock with zillions of other bags of chemicals who are aware of themselves. Some are green, some are pink, some hairy, some scaly, some black, some brown and some very brightly coloured. All are as amazing as me. We all originated billions of years ago from one strange bag of chemicals and electricity.

One bunch of these bags of chemicals thinks it is superior to all the other bags. It has become psychotic and demented. Inflamed with greed and selfishness it has turned unpredictable and violent. It seems intent on destroying all the other bags of chemicals and the very rock we all survive on. It seems to believe it will live forever on some celestial rock in the sky with some super-bag of chemicals/electricity that it believes made the vacuum, the rocks and all the bags of chemicals.


If there are other highly advanced bags of chemicals out there who are not psychotic and are capable of reaching out; please rescue me!

(PS – I extended this from a reply on Pooj’s blog.

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