The Liquidation of Democracy

The Liquidation of Democracy

We can’t afford the liquidation of democracy;

                The return of fascist autocracy.

As Trump undermines the truth,

                Replacing it with lies by stealth,

In his bloated pursuit

                Of power and wealth.

Under the banner of free speech

                He undermines the fabric of society

Stealing our rights

                With his egotistical misogyny.

A river of lies

                Flows from his twitter stream

Supporting every fascist cause

                From the insane to the extreme.

Reminding us

It was ever thus:

We can’t afford the liquidation of democracy;

                The return of fascist autocracy.

Opher – 4.12.2022

Fascism takes many forms. It starts with the control of the media. It continues with the stealing of rights. It works through oppression, suppression and control.

It depends on a minority of violent supporters who will terrorise and oppress because it makes them feel powerful.

Trump has his own brigade of black-shirts just like Hitler had. They wear MAGA hats.

He runs his Orwellian rallies where the crowd are orchestrated with their hate chanting, faces distorted, emotions at full throttle. Double-think reigns as he pours out his lies and promotes fascism.

Democracy is in great danger.

Women are in great danger. He’s an abusive misogynist.

Gays are in great danger. He’s allied himself to the evangelical nutcases.

Freedom is in great danger. This is all about the repression of minorities.

It works on demonization, fear, hate and control.

This is fascism.

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