Hear the Wind

Hear the Wind

Hear the wind;

                It speaks with the voices

                                Of a trillion tongues.

Hear the wind;

                It howls with the agonies

                                Of a trillion wounds.

Hear the wind:

                It whispers with the pleas

                                Of a trillion cries.

Hear the wind;

                It carries the hopes

                                Of a trillion dreams.

Hear the wind;

It reverberates

With the sound

Of every creature

That ever lived.

Hear the wind;

                It whispers

                                Of forever.

Opher 18.2.2024

Every sound that ever was is still there. It spreads out as vibrations in the atoms of the air and ground; vibrations that grow ever fainter but never completely disappear.

In miniscule, imperceptible reverberations everything that ever lived on this planet speaks to us on the wind.

It’s a whimsy.

It will not last forever. Nothing does.

But for now I like to feel connected to the wonder of all existence on this tiny rock. We are connected.

It’s mystical.

Hear the wind. Feel the sun. Touch the ground. We are connected.