How Much?????? 5 Billion!!!

Immigration has gone through the roof. Since Brexit they’ll opened the flood gates to those from India and Africa in order to replace the loss of Eastern Europeans.

A stupid policy.

£5 Billion!! That’s absurd. The Tories are very free with our money. They love doshing it out to their chums – VIP Lanes, Lady Mone, Hancock’s Landlord, Dildo Harding………..

£5 Billion is a ludicrous sum!! Just give them a few hundred thousand each, why don’t you?

Not that it will work anyway!!

The Eastern Europeans would mainly come for a while, earn some money and then go back home.

The Africans and Indians, Chinese and others from distant lands, bring their families and settle for good.

The irony is that we really need these immigrants. Without them the care, health, hospitality and farming sectors can’t function. We need all those skills in building, electrics and plumbing too! A few more dentists and doctors, nurses and chefs!

We foolishly drove all of them out!

Illegal immigration now makes up a tiny fraction. Most are coming in perfectly legally to perform tasks we can’t get people to do.

We should welcome them! They are boosting our economy!!

Brexit has stunted our growth and caused chaos. Cost us an absolute fortune. The freedom of movement was great for us all. But xenophobia, Islamophobia and racism won out. We are now a lot worse off!!

The sensible thing to have done would have been to use the powers we had to control the influx to suit our needs. Why didn’t they do that?? Unlimited immigration puts too much of a strain on the country but controlled immigration makes sense.

The EU had the provision to control it. We just didn’t use it! I reckon that was the plan! The ERG Brexiteers are a bunch of xenophobic extremists. They don’t mind scuppering the country in order to get their way! Nutcases!!