

They follow orders without question,

Shooting their own in the back.

They don their uniforms, turn off their minds

And always hunt in packs.

They’re the goons.

The bask in their power.

They kill with impunity

While people cower.

They learn to torture rape and gas

Which becomes their stock in trade.

Stand proud in lines, in uniform

In the big parades.

They’re the goons.

The bask in their power.

They kill with impunity

While people cower.

Without these heartless minions

The world would be a better place.

These tools of the tyrants

A disgrace to the human race.

They’re the goons.

The bask in their power.

They kill with impunity

While people cower.

Opher – 10.4.2021

Everywhere you look around the world you see them. They are dressed in body armour and are armed to the teeth. They are the ones who beat up protestors, who go around in the night rounding people up. They take them to underground dungeons to torture and degrade as a warning. They bury the bodies.

You see them everywhere – where-ever where people are fighting for justice or to oppose a tyrannical regime. In South America, Nigeria, Hong Kong, China, North Korea, the USA, Myanmar, Israel, it’s the same faceless brutal state thugs – the Stormtroopers, torturers and tools of the despot – the ones shooting unarmed protestors – and enjoying it.

Without these nasty arrogant little pieces of scum no oppressor can ever hold power.

They strut about in their uniforms thinking they have power.

The goon is the enemy of us all – the expression of fascism, the long arm of oppression.