

A spider’s web in a gale.

                Tissues in a fire.

                                Glass under the hammer.

                                                A fly on wet paint.

                                                                Egg shells under the boot.

                                                                                A whimper in a hurricane.

Minds are weak;

                Easily shattered,

And can never

                Be put back together.

In the Ukraine


                                Is tearing apart


                                                                Of fragile



                As with all violence,

                                Creates trauma,

                                                Destroys minds,

                                                                Wrecks lives.

Tattered remnants,

                Quietly coping.

Opher – 3.3.2022

My father served in the Second World War, my grandfather in the First. They never spoke about their experiences.

It affected the whole of their lives.

They were the lucky ones.

Many came back from war physically undamaged but mentally and emotionally destroyed.

It is not only war, any violence, any trauma, can have the same effect. It eats into our fragile psyche and rips us apart.

Humans are nowhere near as resilient as we all believe. Society is full of damaged people.

Putin is wrecking the lives of millions!