

Like an ant on a leaf

                Contemplating what may be underneath.

Life is too brief.

Like a bacterium in a toilet bowl

                Trying to fathom some higher goal;

Stuck in a minor role.

Life, life is so weird;

                Stranger than we feared.

The universe is not geared;

                                                Understanding is never neared.

Space is so vast

                Though light is so fast

We see into the past

                                                But it leaves us all aghast.

Like a moth around a light

                Understanding the orbit of its flight

With all its might.

Like duckweed in a pond

                Thinking about what may be beyond;

It can’t abscond.

Like a human in his small life

                With work, child and wife;

The daily strife.

Looking for a purpose

                Above the daily curse

That doesn’t make things worse.

Life, life is so weird;

                Stranger than we feared.

The universe is not geared;

                                                Understanding is never neared.

Opher – 25.8.2022

Given the amazing size of the universe and the tininess of our brains it’s incredible that we understand any of it.

In the past we created religions and gods to make sense of what we fail to understand.

We’d rather believe in mysticism than reality.

Yet the universe has enough wonder without us creating layers more.

Life is miraculous enough without us imagining unreal layers.

We are no different to the ant, bacterium, moth or duckweed.