What the General Election means to me!

An end to VIP Lanes and corruption!

An end to cash for questions and corruption!

An end to Russian oligarch donations for peerages! And corruption!

An end to multimillion pound donations to Tory donors! and corruption!

An end to revolving doors into lucrative posts for inside information. And corruption!

An end to putting hay in the loft at our expense! And corruption!

An end to ridiculous multimillion salaries given to Tory donors! And corruption!

An end to the Old Boy Public School network! And corruption!

An end to cosying up to Trump! And corruption!

An end to Brexit lies! And corruption!

An end to austerity for us and tax loopholes for the wealthy. And corruption!

An end to cuts and the decimation of public services! And corruption!

An end to tractor porn, scandals and sleaze! And corruption!

An end to giving to the rich and taking from the poor! And corruption!

An end to the fabricated war on woke. And corruption!

And end to lying on busses, partying in Downing Street and corruption!

An end to incompetence and chaos. And corruption!

An end to xenophobia and racism. And corruption!

An end to scapegoating and gaslighting. And corruption!

An end to elitism and arrogance! And corruption!

An end to all our money being put in the greedy pockets of foreign investors. And corruption!

An end to the lie of levelling up. And corruption!

An end to ineptitude and incompetence. And corruption!

An end to everything this arrogant Tory Party stands for. And corruption!

An end to the reign of the loathsome rabid extremists of the ERG. And corruption!

An end to the lying headlines in the media. And corruption.

I’m going to look at tactical voting in order to get this useless, arrogant bunch of incompetent public school twerps out of office.

Their greed, sleaze, avarice and arrogance has created a foul foul taste.

They have cut and slashed the poor, ruined public services, given so much to the rich, wasted so much and feathered their own nests for fourteen years too long!

Never have we had such a selfish, incompetent bunch of extremists in charge.

They have ruined education, the NHS, Local Councils, the courts, the military, youth services and the police.

They have sold the country to foreign investors, overseen huge rises in pollution of our rivers and beaches, huge hikes in energy, huge increases in food and a massive rise in interest rates and mortgages.

An utter disaster.

They have broken Britain.

Our economy is in the pits, our morals are on the floor, they are instructing police not to arrest criminals and freeing prisoners because they haven’t the money to keep them.

Then there’s the blood scandal, the Post Office, and lying about Green Energy pledges!

Through all this they have been stashing away millions for themselves and failing to address the tax loopholes so that their rich friends can pay less tax than a nurse!

They are morally corrupt to the core!

I shall do everything I can to oust this bunch of loathsome crooks!!

Of course, I do not pretend that Labour will be perfect. Starmer is hardly my flavour of the month. I would look for a much more adventurous manifesto to address public services, local government, water, energy, transport and all the things that have gone wrong.

I accept that Labour can’t do much because the Tories have run the country and the economy into the ground.

Bring back companies into public ownership! Address education and the NHS! Shut the tax loopholes and make the rich pay their fair share! Put an end to nepotism, cronyism and corruption!

A new start!!

7 thoughts on “What the General Election means to me!

  1. Opher, as so often, I agree with your diagnosis, but not with your “solutions.”

    Today, my local Reform party candidate asked me if I would become his official “agent.” I refused, of course. But I am, in effect, his campaign manager. We aren’t going to beat Jeremy Hunt, but we might take away enough Tory votes to gift the seat to the Lib Dem. That would at least be progress.

    But you’re absolutely right whenever you say in this article “And corruption!” I feel another of my rants coming on.

    1. Cheers Neil. I hope Reform do well enough to sink Hunt!! He’s a real bastard!

      Did you read my reply to your previous exceedingly long rant!

      1. I don’t think I kept a copy Neil. Not sure what happened. I’ll do a thorough check tomorrow.

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