Land Without Hope or Glory

Land Without Hope or Glory

Land without hope or glory now no longer free

Ravaged and plundered with the utmost glee
Wider still and wider inequality set

Tory Lords and Masters to make it wider yet.

Johnson who broke your spirit can make your poorer yet!

Yes, Johnson who made you poorer can make you poorer yet!

Land without hope or glory now no longer free

How shall we deplore thee, who are born of thee
Wider still and wider inequality set

The ERG who robbed you shall rob you greater yet

Yes, the ERG who robbed you shall rob you greater yet!

Opher – 9.3.2023

Well I look at the state of the nation with its broken public services, zero hours and an enslaved nation of workers slaving away to make ends meet in this cost of living crisis.

I look at Johnson, the hundreds of Tory Donors, the VIP lane and Tory MPs walking away to their tax havens in the Caymans, pocketing millions for doing nothing.

I look at the impoverishment of the country and the poverty of its citizens and thought that I needed to rework a few jingoistic songs to make them fit the times we live in.

I look at the brainwashing, the propaganda pushed out by the media and I thought this would do as the Tory Party Anthem.

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