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£178 Billion Loss per year!! Is this what we were promised??


When the lying Johnson, Farage, Cummings and Banks were conning us into voting Brexit they promised us:

Secure borders

Sunny Uplands

A prosperous future

Control of immigration

They were told that this was a lie. Those who spelt out the reality were labelled REMOANERS!! Yet everything the remoaners said has come to pass and all the brexiteer promises have proved to be lies.

We now find ourselves with a massive eyewatering deficit of £178 billion a year!! We can’t afford to fund our public services anymore!! So much for all that rubbish about funding the NHS written on the side of that bus!!

What incredible harm the ERG right-wing nutcases have caused!!! What narcissistic self-serving twats Johnson, Cummings and Farage really are!! They need holding accountable. They’ve cost us all a fortune and waltzed off with millions!!

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