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Goofin’ – A Sixties Novel – now available in kindle!


I’ve just rewritten my sixties novel Goofin’.

This is the ultimate sixties book – set in the British Underground with all its sex, drugs, dreams and music; those times of crazy people high on life and mad for experience – when anything was possible.
It captures that idealistic naïve impossibility permeated with vitality and careering love and dreams, the wild rush for adventure without a thought for the future because the trip was all there was and it was going to last forever.
– Seemingly, as Love said: forever changes!
The story spans continents as it trips its way through time, space and mind, in a mad rush to discover life and experience everything or die trying.
It’s Jack’s story.

Goofin’ eBook : Goodwin, Opher: Kindle Store

The paperback and hardback will follow shortly!!

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