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Poetry – We Have War


We Have War

We have love.

                We have art.

                                We have music,



                                And dance.

We have war.

There’s the spirit.

                There’s the sea,

                                The sun

                                                And nature’s


There’s war.

We have life,


                                Wonder and awe,

                                                Guiding us

                                                                To what life’s for.

Then we have war.

Opher – 31.3.2022

Mankind is capable of great things yet while we have war it all counts for nothing.

There is violence, there is hatred and there is war.

War negates everything.

We build things up, nurture and create and war reduces it to nothing.

Death, rape, trauma and agony. War and violence is the greatest flaw in our nature. It feeds on greed and the lust for power.

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