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Conspiracy, Fake News and Gullibility.


How ignorant, gullible and stupid are people??

Fact: Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are convicted procurers and abusers of underage girls. They farmed the girls out to others and held parties where these girls were abused.

Prince Andrew and Donald Trump were friends of Epstein and Maxwell and guests at these parties. Both have been accused of abusing girls.

Conspiracy: The Democrats are running a satanic paedophile ring where babies are eaten.

How can it possibly be sane to believe that Donald Trump (a self-confessed abuser of women) is fighting against a paedophile ring in Washington? (That is not taking into account that many believe that Washington is being controlled by alien lizards.)

Isn’t it far more likely that Trump and Prince Andrew were friends of Epstein and Maxwell so that they could get their hands on young girls?

If anyone is a paedophile isn’t it more likely to be Trump rather than an alien lizard?? – Not that I am saying Trump is a paedophile – just an abuser of girls.

I know which of the likelihoods has substantial evidence and which doesn’t.

Fact: The German far-right Nazis had a ‘final solution’ to exterminate all Jews. They unleashed a holocaust with extermination camps to carry out their racist policies. Six million were murdered in their concentration camps.

We have photographic evidence, the camps themselves, documentation, names, transit records and film of the camps and the gruesome mass graves and crematoria.

Conspiracy: The world is run by Jews who are telling lies. There were no camps. There was no holocaust.

What?? People have gone to extraordinary lengths to deny the gas chambers, claim it was all exaggerated and obfuscate the evidence.

How can intelligent (many aren’t) people believe this nonsense??

How do people like Trump, Johnson and Bolsonaro convince people that black is white?

Why do people prefer to believe absurd conspiracies about the UN, 9/11, global warming, the moon landings, species diversity, the earth being flat and alien lizards rather than sane rationality??

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