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Brexit – Johnson’s Plan to Reduce Worker Rights.


We can only surmise (from the deliberate dropping of the clauses on maintaining workers’ right from the Brexit bill) Johnson is looking to bring worker’s rights in line with much lower USA standards rather than attempt to elevate them to those enjoyed in Scandinavia.

Here is a couple of examples:

Statutory Holiday Rights:

In the UK                   In the USA                      In Sweden

20 days                    10 days                           25 days


Maternity/Paternity Rights:

In the UK                In the USA                       In Sweden


10 days                     60 days                       Share 480 days

Full pay                    Unpaid                          80% pay


130                         60 days                         Share 480 days

Full pay                   Unpaid                           80% pay

This leaves one with a number of questions.

Why are American workers’ conditions so incredibly poor? Is it due to lack of unionisation? Is it due to gross inequality? Why is the richest nation on earth so miserly with its workers?

How can Scandinavia afford to be so generous to its workers?

Why is Johnson so keen to undermine our workers’ rights instead of building on them to get them to Scandinavian levels? Could it be that he is in favour of increasing profits by exploiting workers? Surely not?

But then that is what the Tories consistently do, isn’t it? They put profit for the wealthy above people, don’t they?

At this time, with automation and AI, do we really need to be working so long and hard?

It really is a race to the bottom isn’t it?

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