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A message of hope from Avaaz – A message of hope


Right now we need hope. We need to promote the outward looking, cooperation and tolerance of unity, and hope that it can overcome the xenophobia and hatred of isolation.

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This is what Avaaz had to say. I agree with it all:

Today is a painful and shocking day for Britain, for Europe, and for our world. But, in one way, it may have been what we needed.

The progress we have built in our world of openness, tolerance, and interconnection is not something we can take for granted, it must be continuously, vigilantly sustained. We need an ethic, spirit and culture of human connection and unity to keep the dark forces of our past – nationalism, racism – at bay.

Our community beautifully brought love and unity to the campaign to stay in Europe, but it was not enough, this time, to win.

But we must not falter now – this is one battle on a larger tapestry and the forces of fear and division are rising. We must make Brexit a call to arms for our movement, a spark that reignites our passion to defend and renew the project of human peace and unity that our parents and grandparents wisely advanced from their painful experience.

The future is with us, if we can carry the banner long enough to hand it off to the next generations. Let’s gather our courage and commitment to fight for the world we all dream of. Use the tool on the right to share a message of inspiration, solidarity and hope for the road ahead.

“We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us.” – Jo Cox MP (1974-2016)

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