Site icon Opher's World

Modern technology and education – the hope for the future!


Ignorance, superstition, indoctrination, fear and isolation are the tools that tyrants use to control people.

Religion and politics are the excuses.

Psychology shows us that sociopaths and psychopaths are very good at making their way to the top of institutions. They like power and they have no compunctions about how they deal with people. They actually enjoy upsetting others and abusing them.

The past has been locked into a cycle where religions and political systems rise up and try to gain supremacy over others. When you throw ethnicity and social factors into the mix it becomes a rotten stew of genocide, war and subjugation.

We are in a new age. There is optimism about the future!

Now we have the means of educating people we can reveal the flaws in religion and political systems. We can counter indoctrination.

Now we have media in the hands of the people nothing can be hidden away. Every atrocity can be revealed so people understand what is going on and can judge it for themselves. They do not have to rely on what they are being told by the ‘establishment’.

Now we have a global perspective.

Now we have science.

Science tells us that all human beings are one species. There is no basis for racism

Science has blown away the myths of superstition. The earth is not flat. There is no heaven above the clouds, no hell below. Religion may wriggle but it is doomed to die away in the blast of science as psychologists explain its human beginnings. We do not need it any more. We can make better morality through rational thought and law. We do not need a deity to enforce it.

I am optimistic about the future. If we can survive the next few decades without destroying each other, over-running the place with too many people, killing all the wild-life, ravaging the environment and creating catastrophic climate change then we can really set about creating a great future. We can create a global society with good moral values, laws and freedoms, equality and wealth for all. We can conserve our wildernesses and live happily ever after.

Education and technology can kick our religious and political tyrants into touch. We can have an age without senseless war and cruelty.

Wouldn’t that be nice!

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