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Aldous Huxley – Quote about how religion and science are used for power, profit and trivia.


Aldous Huxley Quote: Triumphs of Religion and Science

In his novel ‘Time Must Have a Stop’ Aldous displays his cynicism at how the greatest wisdom and achievements of man are perverted and twisted for political or commercial profit. He talks of religion becoming a tool for power and making money. He also speaks about how scientific invention, instead of being used to educate and advance our knowledge, is often used to produce trivial entertainment or disseminate political lies.

Faraday and Clerk Maxwell are two geniuses whose pioneering work on electromagnetism in the nineteenth century has given birth to the age of television and radio.

Here is the quote from Aldous:

‘Francis of Assisi miraculously upholding a Mystical Body that was also a political machine and business concern.’

‘Faraday and Clerk Maxwell working indefatigably that the ether might at last become a vehicle for lies and imbecility.’

It seems that the work of geniuses is always used to create profit by the shrewd and uncaring. The greatest inventions used to create mountains of rust instead of diamonds, the highest thoughts used to bolster personal gain and political lies.


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