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Offense is no offence! We need to keep things in proportion!


Some Muslims may well be offended by cartoons, novels or articles about Mohammed, Islam or the Koran. I am sure that a number of politicians, political parties, celebrities and other religious leaders have been offended too. It is no excuse for violence and even less for murder.

Lampooning, satire and parody can cause offense. It is intended to cause offense.

The freedom of speech means that we can offend people with impunity. That is what makes Britain such a great country. We are free. We cut down all the pompous leaders to normal size. We caricature them and send them up; we ridicule them and stop them getting too big for their boots. We laugh at them.

One only has to look at the humour we deploy from the Goons, Monty Python to Spitting Images and modern stand-up. Politicians, Religious Leaders and celebrities of all types are fair game.

Personally I was hugely offended by the way Muslims went round India and desecrated Hindu temples by chopping off the heads of statues, or went round Jordan and Turkey destroying the beautiful Christian icons. I was horrified at the wanton destruction of the Buddha’s of Bamiyan. It was sacrilege. And I’m an antitheist! It did not make me go out shooting innocent people! That is barbaric.

By all means if your religion says you depict things in a certain way then do it that way, if you choose. But do not inflict your ways on others! You have no exclusive perspective on truth. You only have belief. Imposing on others is wrong!

There are obviously limits to the amount of offensive that is legal. This should be decided by the law of the land and not a religious group. This country became civilised when it became secular following the enlightenment. Before that it was a barbaric theocracy. I never want to see anything like that again.

We should be tolerant of each other; not respond disproportionately to offense and live together in harmony. There is never a justification for violence.

If I went to live in a Muslim country I would abide by the laws and strictures of the culture. If I visit mosques I cover up out of respect even though I do not agree with religion.

If people come to live in my country I expect them to observe the laws and strictures of the culture like I do. They are free to criticise and protest, as I do, but they should abide by the law and the mores. If they find elements of our culture too offensive to tolerate then I suggest they move to a culture that they would find more amenable.

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