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Je suis Charlie aussi!!! Opher’s World stands for freedom of speech, tolerance and the right to offend!!


I salute the brave journalists of Charlie Hebdo who were callously, cold-bloodedly murdered by fascist religious fanatics.

Once again we have an act of cowardly, barbaric fanaticism in the name of religion. There can be no blasphemy if there is no god.

Europe was also once gripped by intolerant religious tyrants who sought to impose their limited, ignorant view of religion on everybody. They too used callous, cruel and vicious forms of torture and murder to crush free spirits. Those evil misguided individuals were ousted by people who fought for freedom and justice. Europe was freed from tyranny by the enlightenment.

Where are the signs of any Muslim enlightenment? Why has the religion become so intolerant, cruel, vicious and heartless? Where are the moderate Muslims speaking out against these atrocities? Do they all Muslims seek to impose their primitive Sharia law on everyone and force them to follow the same superstition? Why have modern day Muslims allowed themselves to be taken over by fascists?

I stand for freedom to believe in what I want. I stand for everyone else to believe what they choose without hindrance. I am no fascist.

Freedom of speech was fought for. Many people gave their lives for it. I have no wish to live under a theocracy of any description. We have to constantly fight for freedom.

My thoughts go out to the friends and relatives of those coldly murdered by intolerant sub-humans.

We need to build a positive zeitgeist!!

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