Happy Easter – A pagan festival of spring!


The festival of spring. When the land is reborn and bursts into green. A fertility festival of life.

After the barren winter when the trees lose their leaves, the ground becomes brown, the cold and damp freeze the soul, there is warmth again.

The sun shines. The leaves shoot back out from seemingly dead branches. It is the true resurrection.

The world is reborn. The birds sing in the trees and select their mates. The creatures build nests and prepare for families. All is alive.

The babies are born. Their cuteness inspires.

Regeneration is the message.

There is plenty to eat once again. The dark, cold days of hibernation are behind us again.

It is the time for food and merriment.

We celebrate with the giving of eggs – the fertility symbol of life. The world is reborn.

We celebrate with delight at the young creatures born – the Easter bunnies live.

This is the time to rejoice! We are alive! All is right with the world again! The dark days are over!

This is a festival that goes back into time to the days before memory. Rejoice as our ancestors did. Life is beautiful. Love is in the air.