Bridges – a poem for Hull City of Culture

I wrote this poem to commemorate the raising of the bridges. Hull is unique. It is built on the river Hull. There are thirteen bridges connecting the two halves of the city. All thirteen can be raised. No other city in the world can do this.

As part of the City of Culture all the bridges will be raised. I wanted to celebrate this with a poem.


Hull Bridges


Hull bridges raise their hands to the sky

East and West torn apart

But the twain shall meet again.

For Hull bridges have no feet of stone

Rather limbs that reach.

No city in the world is so apart

And so together.

Apart – together – again and again

To release those that pass beneath

They raise their arms in joy.

Hull – the unique city on the river

Where every bridge does move

More like living beasts

Like the leaves of a book

Like arms that embrace

They move

They lift

They raise

They allow passage, commerce and fun.

To release those that pass above

They cross their arms

They join in a handshake that links

Two communities

Two sides

Two banks

Like no other.

Yet for one short time

They will all raise together

And the city is split

Like no other in the world.

The city parts

A hiatus

Then is joined


Hull bridges live and move

Not frozen

But alive.

No other city sports such versatility

Such elevation

Such cleaving.

No other city is split by rivers in such a way.

Across that divide

Tigers roar and robins strut

Black and white

Red and white

Black and amber

Colours joined

Into one.

One city

One people


One Hull.


Opher 5.7.2017