Poetry – Everyone’s a Whore

Everyone’s a Whore

Everyone’s a whore

                We just sell different aspects of ourselves.

Some sell their time,

                Some parts of their body

                                And some give their whole lives.

How much is an hour worth?

                In a factory?

                                In a hospital?

                                                In a sweat shop?

In the House of Lords?

How much for a kidney?

                For silicosis?

                                For a heart attack?

What’s the price

                For a lifetime

                                Spent in


Opher – 3.3.2022

Once we lived naturally, in tune with nature, part of the cycle.

Then we invented agriculture and complex societies.

Our natural lives were no more.

We sold our time.

We sold our bodies.

We exacted a price for everything we did.

Life was prostitution.